1. THE PURPOSE: The purpose of Florida Turkish Center Foundation, Inc. (“The Foundation”) is to purchase or to build a Turkish community center (“Turkish Center”) in South Florida for the use of South Florida Turkish American community, to sell or rent out the existing Turkish Center and use the proceeds from the sale/rent to purchase or build a new Turkish Center in South Florida and, included but not limited to, improve, renovate, repair, maintain, furnish and operate the Turkish Center.
2. THE FUNCTION: The function of The Foundation includes, but not limited to, the following: To increase public knowledge and understanding of Turkish people, language, culture, history and religion; To foster and increase friendship and communication between the American and Turkish communities; To promote the exchange of the arts, culture, music and cuisine between Turkey and the United States.
3. THE BYLAWS: The Foundation shall be managed according to the set of rules defined herein and called “The Bylaws”.
4. PROTECTION: The donations to The Foundation shall not be used for any other purpose than the Turkish Center as defined above. The Bylaws cannot be modified or deleted except to the extend to comply with the local, City, County, State and Federal laws, to change the abbreviations used and to correct typographical errors.
5. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES: The Foundation shall be governed by a board of 9 volunteer trustees (“The Board”). The Board is the sole authority for governing The Foundation including but not limited to the Turkish Center, The Board and the donations to The Foundation. No compensation shall be paid to the members of The Board for their services on The Board.
6. TRANSPARENCY: The Bylaws, the donations and a summary of the financials of The Foundation shall be published on The Foundation’s website. The information on the website shall be updated at least once a year.
7. DISSOLUTION: If The Foundation dissolves, all assets shall be distributed to one or more charitable organization(s) within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.
(Approved by FTC Board of Trustees)
The Governing Rules are continuation of The Bylaws of The Foundation and they represent the part of The Bylaws that can be modified by The Board.
Super Majority: It is defined as the number of board members two less than the total number of the board members serving on The Board. The Board decisions in regard to the matters listed below (in this paragraph) shall require affirmative votes of the super majority of The Board:
a) The definition of the Super Majority.
b) Adopting new Governing Rules and changing existing Governing Rules.
c) Accepting new members to the Board and removing members from the Board.
1. The Governing Rules may never conflict with The Bylaws of The Foundation.
2. The Board shall follow Roberts Rules of Order during The Board meetings with exceptions listed herein.
3. New Governing Rules may be adopted or the existing Governing Rules may be modified by the approval of the Super Majority of The Board.
4. Any vacancies due to resignation, removal or death of the members of The Board shall be filled by new members approved by the Super Majority of the remaining members of The Board.
5. The Board shall elect an “Executive Board” among The Board members. The Executive Board shall consists of a “President”, a “Vice president”, a “Secretary” and a ‘Treasurer”. The terms of the members of the Executive Board shall be 2 years. The election shall take place every 2 years, in January of odd years. If any of the positions on the executive board is vacated due to resignation, removal or decease of the Executive Board member, the vacancy shall be filled by The Board.
6. The Board may set up an e-mail group for the purpose of facilitating communication and voting within The Board members.
7. The Board has the authority to accept or refuse the donations made to The Foundation. Donations that are not approved by The Foundation but already received and deposited into Foundation’s account shall be returned to donors.
8. Monies in The Fund cannot be invested unless it is invested in government backed securities and the invested (principal) amount is guaranteed 100%.
9. The Turkish Center will be made available to Turkish American community in South Florida for any and all legal uses approved by The Board.
10. The Board may select a Turkish American organization in South Florida (“The Association”) for operating The Turk Evi. Currently, The selected Association is Florida Turkish American Association (FTAA).
12. Public may be charged security deposits or fees for certain or all uses of The Turk Evi, provided that deposits and fee are in compliance with state and federal laws and regulations.
13. All important written communications to the donors shall be mailed to donors’ mailing addresses in The Foundation’s file. It shall be the donors’ responsibility to provide The Foundation a valid mailing address and inform The Foundation of any change to donors’ mailing addresses.
Below is the Broward County Appraiser's public record for the units RU21,22,23,24 and 25 which forms suite 123, Florida Turkish Center; The deeds can be viewed by clicking number under 'book' column of the 'sales history' section